6.1 Buttons/Switch
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Different button has different function. Such as: Bit Switch; Bit lamp; Word Switch; Word lamp; Function Switch; Keypad Switch; Combination Switch.
Bit switch is designed to access the bit-address of the PLC/HMI. When bit switch is triggered, the changing of [write address] depends on the mode setting. When [Read] option is selected, the [read address] is editable.
1) Read-write
Write address: Bit switch controls PLC or HMI address.
Read address: Read and display PLC or HMI bit address state.
2) Mode
Set OFF: set off the write address;
Set ON: set on the write address;
Momentary: set on the write address when switch is pressed, set off when switch is released;
Delay: set off the write address after a delay; (*for example: assign the delay time as 5, write address will be set off after released 5 ms)
Switch: switch toggle between 0 and 1 each time the switch is triggered;
3) Display
Display inverted: Display the reversed state picture and text;
Blinking: Blinking while control bit is triggered, the frequency is editable;
Blink when ON: blink when control bit is ON;
Blink when OFF: blink when control bit is OFF;
Control Bit: it is effective when blink is ON;
[Bit lamp] could monitor and display the specified PLC or HMI bit address, and its state changes according to the specified address value.
1) Address
[Read Address] is for setting specified PLC or HMI bit address;
2) Hide
Display inverted: Display reverse state of the picture and text. *for example, the value of write address is set ON, the OFF mode is displayed.
Blinking: Blinking while control bit is triggered, the frequency is editable;
Blink when ON: blink when control bit is ON;
Blink when OFF: blink when control bit is OFF;
Hide: Display or hide object by [Control Bit] state
Control bit: For hide control;
Hide mode: hide when OFF; hide when ON; it could not operate if [Invisible] is checked.
Invisible: object keeps hidden during project running.
[Word switch] could change value of specified PLC or HMI word address, when the switch is triggered the value will be written to specified address.
1) Edit
Read address: Read value from specified address;
Write address: Write value to specified address;
Read and write address could be the same;
2) Data format
Format: It is for setting operating data format; it could support six modes;
3) Mode
[Mode] is for setting operating mode for value, it could support 3 modes;
Set value: Set a constant value for the word address.
Increase: Increase the [operand] value for each time the switch is triggered.
Decrease: Decrease the [operand] value for each time the switch is triggered.
High/Low limit: The value will not increase/decrease when the value reaches limits.
[Word lamp] could display value of specified PLC or HMI word address, the display state of the component changes as the value of the read address changes.
1) Address
Read address: read the value from specified address.
2) States settings
States count: The default Word state displays the number of States 1, which could be selected by the drop-down list to display the state of object, range: 1-128.
State value: Users could set different values to correspond to different states, the setting window as below figure shows.
For example
By default, when value of read address is 0, object displays state 0.
If change settings as below figure shows
When value of read address is 11, object displays state 1.
State of value out of range: When the value of read address exceeds the maximum state number, there is no corresponding state to be displayed. So there are two modes of processing for it: "Hide" and "Show state"
Hide: When the value of the read address exceeds the set range value, the word state display object will be blank.
Show state: When the value of the read address exceeds the set range value, the object will display the "Specified state". For example, set the maximum is state 7 (value is 6), when the read address of the value is greater than 6, it will display state 2 text and pictures.
3) Transform state
Quick Read: Directly read the value of the connected device without going through the HMI cache
Auto transforms: Object switch states automatically
Trigger: Control bit to enable switch automatically
Auto return: return to the initial state after reaching the final state;
Time of transform: it is used for setting the frequency in automatic switching state. Unit: 100ms.
Dynamic interval: set the frequency of automatic switching state and read it from the address. Unit: 100ms. If the value in address is 10, then the frequency of automatic switching state is 10*100ms = 1s.
Set state: Set a constant value for the word address.
State increase: Increase state for each time the switch is triggered.
State decrease: Decrease state for each time the switch is triggered.
Last state: The state will not increase/decrease when reaches limits.
Keypad switch is designed to input data manually; this object need to work with the Keypad. User could assign letters or numbers for each switch, when the switch is triggered the data will input to the textbox.
1) Control bit: This is for control operation, such as [Enter], [Delete], [Space], [Esc] and so on;
2) Allow input: It supports input with ASCII character;
3) Enable Beep: It is for beep function, enable or disable;
Function switch is designed to switch screens, and call and close sub screen, and transfer data record files.
1) Operation
Screen No.: Switch to the selected screen, it could not be sub screen;
Open sub screen: Pop-up selected sub screen, and set sub screen position, default position is (0, 0), this is the coordinates of the top left corner of the screen;
Previous: Switch to the previous screen in the screen list;
Next: Switch to the next screen in the screen list;
Go back: Switch to the previous operating screen;
Close sub screen: Close current sub screen;
Instalment screen: Pop-up instalment setting screen, only valid when the instalment is enabled;
Flash data to Udisk: Copy data file from HMI Flash to Udisk, alarm, data record and recipe files could be copied;
SD data to Udisk: Copy data file from SD card to Udisk, alarm and data record files could be copied;
2) Using trigger address
As the figure above, when 00 is ON, then selected operation of the function switch will be executed.
3) All terminals effect
When this function is enabled, all terminals (screen, phone, iPad, PC, etc.) will perform the function of the function switch simultaneously. For example, each terminal displays different screens. When click “Home” switch to jump to the "Home" screen, all the terminals will display home screen.
The combination switch supports the collection of multiple functions onto one object. When the object is pressed, multiple functions are arranged in sequence to meet the special requirements of user.
1) Bit operation
It provides [Bit copy], [Set ON], [Set OFF], [Momentary] and [Switch] functions, and it could operate continuous bit addresses according to setting length, and the maximum length is 2048 bits.
Bit address length: The length of operated addresses;
Example: [Target bit address] is 00, [Type] is Set ON, the length is 3, when press the button, the 00~02 will be ON.
2) Word operation
It provides [Word copy], [Word set], [Increase] and [Decrease] functions, it could operate maximum 2048 word addresses, and the operating length will be changed according to data formats.
If data format is 16-bit signed (unsigned), the operation address is the source address 0~source address +2048;
If data format is 32-bit signed (unsigned), the operation address is the source address 0~source address +4096;
Word addresses length: The length of operated addresses;
Example: [Target word address] is 40, [Type] is Set 10, the length is 3, when press the button, the 40~42 will be 10.
3) Arithmetic
It provides [Add], [Subtract], [Multiply], [Divide], [Mod] and [Power] functions.
Screen change
It provides screen switch function as [Function Switch], it supports [Previous], [Next], [Return] and [Change to] operations.
Operations list
[Operations list] displays all operations, HMI will execute operations in order, but [screen switch] will be listed as the last execution item directly.
Operation button
Delete: Delete selected item function;
Empty: Delete all items in operation list;
Up: Move the selected item up one row in operation list;
Down: Move the selected item down one row in operation list;
Advanced setting
Control the whole combination switch configuration.
Bit trigger: it controls sub-function option of combination switch configuration by trigger address is ON;
Continuous run: it executes each sub-function according to [Cycle time] and [Run times];
Cycle time: Interval between sub-functions execute once with next time;
Run times: Configuration function execute times. 0 means unlimited times;
Break: Stop executing sub-function when trigger address is ON;