6.3 Charts
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Chart can display the data by trend graph or data table. HMIEditorP supports different function’s Chart. It contains Trend Chart, History Trend Chart, Alarm Record Display, Data Record Display, Alarm Record Display, Recipe Display, List Box, File List Display, XY Plot, History XY Plot. Different chart has different function. Please check the detail information in the Help of HMIEditorP.
For example: Trend graph shows the data as a dynamic curve, the X axis represent the time, Y axis represent the data. Alarm Record Display record alarm, the time span set by the user, and the alarm record will list by the time sequence.
This section will introduce common settings in Chart objects
1) Shape
Set appearance of object, includes background color, head color, text color, line color, select row color
2) Advance
Head text color: It sets the text color of the header;
Transparency: It sets transparency of the table background, 0% represents full transparency, and 100% represents completely opaque;
Cell type: Default is adaptive width. After select a customization, customization could set the width of the cell;
Date and time format: According to the needs to select the date and time display format. "NONE" means no display; please do not set both time and date to "NONE";
3) Use function address:
Customization for query function, HMI system assign address according to the settings, and four control key and query screen will be created, user could see the query details in this query screen.
For example: Function address (20 words) is HDW0, the function screen as below shows;
If the start address set as HDW0 the next 10 address perform the following functions.
Numerical input/display
Start time: year
Start time: month
Start time: day
Start time: hour
Start time: minute
Start time: second
Time span
Time span settings, 0=minute, 1=hour, 2=day
Word switch
Default value: 1
Page forward: value-1, minimum value is 1
Page backward: value +1, minimum value is 65535
Bit switch
Auto refresh
Calculate the span method:
=0: Calculate the time span of the query by using the span value and the span unit;
=1: Calculate the time span of the query with the start and end time.
Numerical input/display
Effective when HDX13.0=1
End time: month
End time: day
End time: hour
End time: minute
End time: second
[Function address (20 words)] need to be HMI internal address;
When the start time and end time of the query are enabled, if the end time is smaller than the start time, the system automatically swaps the start and end times to calculate the span of the query;
After manually setting the start time and end time of the query, you need to manually update the data (the default will be automatically updated);
4) Appearance
Background type: There are four modes, style 1 and style 2 is gradient mode, style 3 is solid color mode, style 4 is transparent;
Transparency: transparency could be set from 0% to 100%. when set to 0%,the background is completely transparent;
Position: Show position coordinates for X and Y axes;
Size: Set object size;
Number of X, Y axis: Set the number of grids on the XY axis could be set from 1 to 10 divisions.
Color setting: Color 1 is for object frame; color 2 is for grid background.
Show dot: Display the data points of each trend graph;
User font: If check it, user could change the font for grid and time, if uncheck it, object uses build-in font;
Grid color: Set color for grid, the default is black;
Scale color: Set color for scale, the default is black;
Scale value color: Set color for scale value, the default is black;
Data format: select data format in object, it provides below format;
Time format: Select time format in object, it provides below format;
Time type: There are two time displaying type, one is only displaying the start and end time, and the other is displaying time for each cell;
Curve Fitting (XY)
Line type: Set the line type (line, curve) between two points.
Smoothness: it sets the smoothness of curve. Smoothness sets the curve smoothness. Conversely, the corner of the curve is sharper.
Display current alarm and history alarm information. After setting the time span, the history alarm record will list by the time span.
This object only displays content normally after the [Alarm Record] function is set.
1) Settings
Alarm type: There are two types for alarm function; one is [Current alarm record] and the other is [History alarm record];
Group No.: This group number is located to alarm settings; this object only displays the alarm content within the setting range;
Display in reverse order: The latest alarm information will be displayed at the top of object;
Alarm Record Setting: This is for setting display items in object, the setting window as below shows;
2) Query setting
There are two modes for this settings, one is [Page control], and the other is [Use function address].
Page control: it controls what object currently displays;
For example: Page control is 40,
40=1 means this object displays first page;
40=2 means this object displays second page;
40=3 means this object displays third page;
40=10 means this object display 10th page;
Every page contains 50 records;
3) Start time
It configures start query time.
Span: set the time span from start time to end time of query;
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, alarm display object displays as shown below.
The query key is automatically displayed when user double-clicks object, and the system automatically generates a sub-screen that sets the query span.
[Data Record Display] displays the value of the address set by the user in the data record in the form of a table. And it provides the function of query; the user could query a certain piece of data according to the recording time.
This object only displays content normally after the [Data record] function is set.
Multiple groups could be set in the data record, but [Data Record Display] could only display the data of one group at the same time. Therefore, during configuring, user need to specify the corresponding data record group number for each object.
Display in reverse order
The latest data record will be displayed at the top of object;
Start time
It configures start query time.
Span: set the time span from start time to end time of query;
Channel control address: It continuously occupies 8-word addresses, the first 100-bit addresses control 100 channels of display/hide function. For example, if the address is set to HDW10, then HDX10.0=1 is hidden channel 1; HDX10.1=1 is hidden channel 2, and so on.
Freeze first column: Enable it, the first column (time column) of the data record will not move with the left and right pages.
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, data record display object displays as shown below.
The query key is automatically displayed when user double-clicks object, and the system automatically generates a sub-screen that sets the query span.
[Recipe display] displays information (such as recipe, operations, and so on) in the form of a table.
This object not only displays the recipe, but also displays other content. The specific functions are described in detail later. And it only displays content normally after function is set.
1) Function (Recipe file)
File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Recipe File], when [Recipe function] is set, it will display recipe data in the form of a table;
Folder name: This is located to recipe function setting;
Select line: Set address for select row,
For example, set 40,
if 40=1, the first row of object is selected;
If 40=2, the second row of object is selected;
If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected;
Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;
2) Function (Operating Record)
File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Operating Record], when [User Permission] is enabled, the operation record of each user in HMI is recorded and displayed in the form of a table, and the time and date display format could be set as needed;
Select line: Set address for select row;
3) Function (Timeout Alert)
File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Timeout], it displays the current HMI project communication timeout information. (The built-in screen has this special function; it will pop up automatically when timeout, users do not need to set)
Select line: Set address for select row;
4) Function (Client Manage)
File type: There are more than one functions in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Client manage], it displays the current visitors' screens information.
Select line: Set address for select row;
5) Function (User Manage)
File type: There are more than one functions in this object, this is for selecting function, select [User Manage], when [User Permission] is enabled, it displays all users' information;
Select line: Set address for select row;
Refresh: Set address for refresh users list; (bit address)
5) Function (System Message)
File type: There are more than one functions in this object, this is for selecting function, select [System message], when event occurs, it displays prompt messages automatically;
Select line: Set address for select row;
6) Address control
Start group: control displaying start from specified row, which means display from specified group.
For example set 40,
If 40=1, Start from first row (first group);
If 40=2, Start from second row (second group);
If 40=10, Start from 10th row (10th group);
Group number address: Control the number of rows displayed;
For example set 410,
If 410=1, this object only displays 1 row (1 group);
If 410=2, this object displays 2 rows (2 groups);
If 410=10, this object displays 10 rows (10 groups);
Start address: Control displaying start from specified column, which means display from specified member.
For example, set 420,
If 420=1, Start from first column (first member);
If 420=2, Start from second column (second member);
If 420=10, Start from 10th column (10th member);
Address number: Control the number of columns displayed;
For example, set 430,
If 430=1, this object only displays 1 column (1 member);
If 430=2, this object displays 2 columns (2 members);
If 430=10, this object displays 10 columns (10 members);
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, object will display like below.
1) Recipe
2) Operating record
3) Client Manage
[File list] displays recipe files in [Flash], and also shows custom folder information;
1) Function (Recipe File)
File type: [Recipe File] is for display recipe files in Flash;
Folder name: This is located to recipe function setting;
Select line: Set address for select row,
For example, set 40,
if 40=1, the first row of object is selected;
If 40=2, the second row of object is selected;
If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected;
Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;
2) Function (Custom folder)
File type: [Custom folder] means this object displays files under the specified path;
Root: It means storage; there are three options, [Flash], [Udisk] and [SDcard];
Folder: Set folder name, such as recipe;
Select line: Set address for select row,
For example, set 40,
if 40=1, the first row of object is selected;
If 40=2, the second row of object is selected;
If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected;
Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;
3) Use function address (20 words)
Function address includes copy, past, delete and rename. And HMI automatically assigns the functions to bit addresses.
For example, function address is HDW 90, the detailed information as below:
Address type
Object type
Bit switch
Copy selected files / all files
Paste selected files/ all files
Delete selected files/ all files
Select all files
Rename select files (Do not include suffix)
Bit switch
Rename select files (Include suffix)
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays object displays as shown below.
The history trend will display data record with graph. X axis represents as time, and Y axis represents as data.
1) Source
Curve buffer: Select data from [Data record], and display data in term of curve;
Curve displays: HMI will display curves according to select [Data record], and user could select which curves need to be displayed and select [Line type], [Color] and select [Channel] for each curve;
2) Range
Set data range limit of curve (max and min). Also could set variable to control data range;
3) Function
Start address: Custom object for query function, HMI system assigns address according to the settings, and four control key and query screen will be created, user could see the query details in this query screen.
Use Dynamic channel: It occupies 8 addresses; each address corresponds to the curve channel number. For example, the address is set to HDW10, it takes up HDW10 to HDW17. Where the value of HDW10 is 3, then the first curve in the trend graph shows the value of channel 3.
Start time: Set start time and span for curve display.
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.
There are 7 buttons will display in below the graph, shown as following:
Trend graph shows the data as a dynamic curve, X axis represent the time span, Y axis represent the data.
1) Source
Curve buffer: Select data from [Trend Chart], and display data in term of curve;
Curve displays: HMI will display curves according to select [Trend Chart], and user could select which curves need to be displayed and select [Line type] and [Color] for each curve;
2) Range
Set data range limit of curve (max and min). Also, could set variable to control data range;
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.
The real time data in cache will display as continuous curve or separated points, each point in XY plot needs 2 addresses to set a point.
1) Source
Auto sample: Select data from [XY plot] and displayed in a curve according to the set time;
Trigger Sample: When the trigger address is set, the data is collected and displayed in a curve. After the data is collected, the trigger address is automatically reset;
Curve settings: According needs to set style and color for each curve.
Read address: *for example, PLC word address is D, it points number is m. (point numbers no more than 800);
Word address D is the X coordinate of the first point
Word address D+1 is the Y coordinate of the first point;
Word address D+2 is the X coordinate of the second point;
Word address D+3 is the Y coordinate of the second point;
Word address D+2m-1 is the X coordinate of the mth point;
Word address D+2m is the Y coordinate of the mth point;
Because if the number of XY points is m, it is necessary to continuously read 2m words from the address D of the PLC to draw a complete XY picture.
Quick setting: Fill in the starting address, according to the parameter settings, automatic allocation of addresses.
2) Range
Variable: The data range for the graph could be set as a variable;
X, Y Limit: Set the max and min value of displaying curve;
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.
The data in cache will display as continuous curve or separated points, each point in XY plot needs 2 addresses to set a point.
1) Source
Curve buffer: Select data from [History XY Plot] settings and display data in term of curve;
Curve displays: HMI will display curves according to select [Data record], and user could select which curves need to be displayed and select [Line type] and [Color] for each curve;
2) Range
Variable: The data range for the graph could be set as a variable;
X, Y Limit: Set the max and min value of displaying curve;
When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.
: It turns on the right buttons;
: it sets time range;
: page up in the time range;
: page down in the time range;
: refresh object display;
: It shows the data for the slider;
: Zoom in by one time according to the length of the span;
: Zoom out by one time according to the length of the span;